Maybe I'm just pointing this out because I'm having a really bad day and therefore instantly become a lot more critical of my surroundings, or maybe it's because my degree has finally turned my into a cynic. But as I was going through Marni for H&M's PR material, I couldn't help but notice how unhealthy (and unhappy!) the model looks.
Aymeline Valade's skin has a grey tone to it, her arms are stick-thin and her face looks gaunt. H&M have declared before that they sustain a certain advertising policy in which they strongly distance themselves from alcohol and drug abuse, and they also claim that they do not work with models who are significantly underweight. However, this picture has made me question their policies. Quite frankly, I just do not see the appeal in using models who look like they are about to collapse - someone please get her a sandwich! Surely more women would be tempted to buy the clothes if they look amazing on healthy-looking models who are not a size zero? Or am I just the only one thinking this? I believe that young girls should not have to strive to become this unhealthy and unrealistic image.
And if there are any boys out there reading this - I cannot imagine that this is what they want their ideal woman to look like? What do you think?
Oh dear. She looks absolutely sickly. Poor girl.